Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Kim Hyun Joong in Manila 2011

August 25, 2011 was the date that I saw Kim Hyun Joong at Trinoma mall Activity center. As soon as my prof. dismissed the class, I run out the classroom and went to Trinoma. Juvy was waiting for me there. sad that I wasn't able to take pictures with good quality.:'( We were on the 3rd floor by the way.:'( Every time a person walks out in his way in, the fans couldn't resist the excitement and SCREAM. The experience was super KILIG. hahahaha. 

His Billboard in Trinoma mall


While waiting for him, I tried to study. Taken by Juvy

Looks like there were few people in there but wait...

They were all behind waiting. Hahaha

Henecians and TriplesPH blocked the way:)

The is the first time that I saw a crowd like this in my own two eyes:)

TriplesPH official dance group

Can't even see his face because of his skin color.:P

The best photo that I got, thanks to the big screen. lol

This photo was taken at 12midnight. so ganyan pala ang itsura ng Trinoma kapag hindi dinumog ng fans ang Trinoma Activity Center.:P

A clip from Kim Hyun Joong High Five Event.

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